Thursday 28 November 2013

My Final Idea

My final idea

Rubbish is our humans fault.

I created a world for my sculpture and in that world almost all plants - trees, grass, flowers are gone. The mankind don't need it any more because of the technology so we destroyed everything for more buildings and roads. In the meantime animals are trying to survive and have to make up new habits in their lifestyle.

These images where captured of the Moorhen's in Tower Gardens Park in Skegness. They had build this nest right in the middle of the pond from rubbish found in the water. The tourists trow it and in and the Council doesn't clean it up; because they don't care.

Duck would never build a nest from rubbish unless she didn't have anything else.

I just had finished my duck and ducklings (witch are made from buffet clay and fired in kiln) so I decided to use them and build a nest for them; from all the rubbish I had collected.
I started with a newspaper to shape the nest and then glued stuff around it. Lot of different crap that I had found and thought that would be ideal for this!

First I shaped the nest with broken
wood and newspaper.

I glued everything together with hot glue.

I carefully placed everything
around her and the ducklings.

I tried to do it like a nest;
like duck would do it!

I thought it where to clean so I painted it,
to make it look like more real with poop and dirt!

This is my final outcome.

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