Thursday 5 December 2013

Pim Palsgraaf

Pim Palsgraaf

Palsgraaf examine the effects of architectural urban expansion through sculptural forms. 
* Embedding of city space into taxidermic animals. 
* Relationship between nature and culture is explored.
* Tumorous city seems to overcome the animal and bring in to its knees.

The dichotomy between
nature and industry
Rotterdam is integraal to his art.
It resonates both veneration and disdain. 

The organic and inorganic is a
fundamental aspect of
Pim Palsgraaf's work
Multis cape series

Richard Long

 Richard Long

English sculptor photographer and painter, one of the best known British land artist. Richard makes sculptures as the result of epic walks who take him through rural and remote areas around the world. 
He walks at different time for different reason; he marks the ground or adjust the nature features of palace by up-ending stones for example, or making simple trace.
Long usually works in the landscape but sometimes uses natural material in gallery. He stressed that the meaning of his work lay in the visibility of his action rather than in the represent action of a particular landscape.

Thursday 28 November 2013

My Final Idea

My final idea

Rubbish is our humans fault.

I created a world for my sculpture and in that world almost all plants - trees, grass, flowers are gone. The mankind don't need it any more because of the technology so we destroyed everything for more buildings and roads. In the meantime animals are trying to survive and have to make up new habits in their lifestyle.

These images where captured of the Moorhen's in Tower Gardens Park in Skegness. They had build this nest right in the middle of the pond from rubbish found in the water. The tourists trow it and in and the Council doesn't clean it up; because they don't care.

Duck would never build a nest from rubbish unless she didn't have anything else.

I just had finished my duck and ducklings (witch are made from buffet clay and fired in kiln) so I decided to use them and build a nest for them; from all the rubbish I had collected.
I started with a newspaper to shape the nest and then glued stuff around it. Lot of different crap that I had found and thought that would be ideal for this!

First I shaped the nest with broken
wood and newspaper.

I glued everything together with hot glue.

I carefully placed everything
around her and the ducklings.

I tried to do it like a nest;
like duck would do it!

I thought it where to clean so I painted it,
to make it look like more real with poop and dirt!

This is my final outcome.

Friday 22 November 2013

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy

British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist producing site-specific sculpture and land art situated in natural and urban settings. 
Each work grows, stays, decays - integral ports of a cycle which the photograph shows at it's heights, marking the moment when the work is most alive.

Here is a good link to his works. Please visit this website!

''I think it is incredibly brave to be working with flowers and loeaves and petals. But I have to: I can't edit the materials I work with. My remits is to work with nature as a whole''
- Andy Goldsworthy



We will be working through a 6 week block "What is Urban environment or Contemporary Landscape?" Simon will be focusing on these ideas in his class so the work you create or research is one class may be usable in the other.

The techniques demonstrated and practised should be documented and reflected on in your sketchbook and blog.

Outcome 1. Investigate 3D practice with Contemporary Art.
Research the work of a minimum of 3 contemporary art practitioners who use 3D processes. Say who they are what they do and how they do it, also show your response i.e.. is it successful in your opinion and compare the 3D works. Relate the research to the work you have created in response.

Outcome 2. Develop 3D techniques in Contemporary Art Practice.
Play with 3D techniques to produce experiments. Remember to take photos to document your progression. Analyse and record your result in your sketchbook and blog.

Outcome 3. Produce and develop Concepts
Create mind map to explore the possibilities of "What is Urban Environment?" Reflect upon your concept ideas and select one for development.

Outcome 4. Produce 3D artwork from a developed concept.
Apply the techniques you have learned and ideas you have developed to create 3D final piece. It may take the form of made object or a photograph. the piece that you choose to make should have an idea or thought process behind it and this should be documented in your sketchbook and blog.