Thursday 5 December 2013

Pim Palsgraaf

Pim Palsgraaf

Palsgraaf examine the effects of architectural urban expansion through sculptural forms. 
* Embedding of city space into taxidermic animals. 
* Relationship between nature and culture is explored.
* Tumorous city seems to overcome the animal and bring in to its knees.

The dichotomy between
nature and industry
Rotterdam is integraal to his art.
It resonates both veneration and disdain. 

The organic and inorganic is a
fundamental aspect of
Pim Palsgraaf's work
Multis cape series

Richard Long

 Richard Long

English sculptor photographer and painter, one of the best known British land artist. Richard makes sculptures as the result of epic walks who take him through rural and remote areas around the world. 
He walks at different time for different reason; he marks the ground or adjust the nature features of palace by up-ending stones for example, or making simple trace.
Long usually works in the landscape but sometimes uses natural material in gallery. He stressed that the meaning of his work lay in the visibility of his action rather than in the represent action of a particular landscape.